
Your password Please enter your password to log on to the configuration program.

The first time you log on, you should use the admin password, which is assigned as the system password in the delivery version. You should change this password immediately for security reasons by running the Security Setup Wizard.
Your password Please enter your password to log on to the configuration program.

The first time you log on, you should use the admin password, which is assigned as the system password in the delivery version. You should change this password immediately for security reasons by running the Wireless Setup Wizard.

If you have forgotten your password, you have to reset your device to the factory defaults. Note that all other settings will also be reset in this case. You will find additional information on this in the relevant chapter of the user manual.

To terminate a configuration session, you should always click Log Off. This option appears to the top right on all pages after you log on. Otherwise, access to the configuration program may be blocked for some time and it will not be possible to log on from other PCs.

Click OK to log on to the configuration program.